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Configuration Management Tools Open Source
gcc for Windows | BlogCompiler
A Fistful of ServersPuppet, Chef, cfengine, and Bcfg2 are all players in the configuration management space. If you’re looking for Linux automation solutions, or server configuration Introduction “I need to know what this will do to my production systems before I run it.” – Ask a Systems Administrator why they …
skip verify cfengine
skip verify cfengine
Puppet versus Chef: 10 reasons why Puppet.Technical articles from theory to execution Introduction. CFEngine and Puppet are configuration management tools that can help you automate IT infrastructure. This book is written to document the 7.0 series of the T2 System Development Environment (SDE), but is intended to be useful for reference with earlier versions Using a port of MinGW, it is possible to run gnu compilers on 32- and 64-bit Windows to compile native executables.
A Brief Chef Tutorial (from concentrate).
Puppet versus Chef: 10 reasons why Puppet.
T2 System Development Environment
horovits | Cloud Computing, SaaS, PaaS,.
BlogCompilerOverview Chef is configuration management platform written in Ruby. Configuration management is a large topic that most systems administrators and …